Are You….

An institution (Commercial, School, Hospital, Factory or facility) …?

Concerned about the well-being of your institution due to Energy costs and Reliability…?

Wondering where to start, who to engage or what to expect of Complementary Energy Avenues…?

Confused on the best financing option for your energy project…? Or Even

Disappointed by the outcomes of investing in the renewable energy…?

We are here to help you deal with the above challenges. Texergy Africa is the Go-To partner on the Know-How and the Know-Who on Institutional energy Solutions.

Our Purpose

Texergy Africa Consulting (TAC) has a singular purpose of facilitating prosperity through Technology and Energy

TAC overcomes the hitherto obstacles to affordable energy by bridging the gap between the customer, the solution provider(s) and more importantly the Banking/financing institution. TAC brings on the table a blend of deep technical and project financing skills crucial in sustainable renewable energy financing.

We deeply appreciate that Appropriate, Accessible and Affordable Energy is a key enabler to Productivity, Prosperity and general well being in society and TAC is in the mission of raising the bar on Energy based Projects to achieve this!

The Team

Texergy Africa Consulting (TAC) is an entity arising from a a market gap fueled by passion on energy matters and a good mix of skills and experience. Currently overseen by the founder, Andrew Mwangi, TAC has on board Eng. Joseph Matheri leading Projects and Implementation and Dan Wayodi as the Energy Developer and Solutions Architect.

To complete the governance aspect, it is TAC envisages to have a functional and experienced Board by Quarter 4 of 2023

Our Clients

Although TAC has capacity to serve a broad range of client, it leans more on institutional power consumers who are burdened by unmanageable cost of energy or routinely inaccessible and or unreliable power. As a result of such encumbrances, the efficiency and productivity of their operations is affected. We help these client to identify the root cause of the problem as well as cutting out a blend of remediation that includes appropriate O&M and/or plugging in energy deficits from the alternative renewable energy sources

This group comprises Schools & Colleges, Industrial & Manufacturing; Health Care; Office Complexes, Common facilities for communities among many others.

Our Offerings

TAC threads a mutually sustainable engagement in the alternative energy value chain – From the Clients to the solution providers and the financiers

This is accomplished by having appropriate level of energy assessments and designing the most feasible solution from a range of predefined metrics. This is captured the 3 pillars below

  • Seeks to establish Energy Needs
  • Free pro-bono Self Assessment
  • Detailed Assessment if required

  • Advise on efficiency matters
  • Advise on optimal solutions
  • Link up with a Solution Provider

  • Aid on Economic Analysis
  • Facilitate Appropriate financing
  • Project Management

Our Presence

Although the current market focus is institutions within the Kenya, TAC is confident that it will expand to the other East African Countries and sub-Saharan countries in the next 2 – 3 years hence the careful partnership with the bank